
Statement of Curriculum Intent - Art
The Big Ideas/ Key Concepts for Art and Design are:
  • Creative exploration
  • Refining artistic techniques
  • Evaluation and analysis
  • Knowledge of famous artists and designers
The overarching aim of the Art and Design curriculum at Duxford CofE Community Primary School is to equip learners with the necessary skills, techniques and knowledge in order to create, appraise and evaluate their own creative pieces of work.  Learners will also be able to critically evaluate the work of others, using the language of art and design.
Our aim is that children leave this school:
  • With a knowledge of the joy and thought that art can provoke, and how responses to art can be different for different individuals.
  • As creative learners, who have confidence in their own artistic abilities and as enthusiasm to create.
  • Experienced, proficient and safe when using a range of artistic techniques and tools.
  • Equipped with the knowledge of what they need to do in order to further improve their artistic abilities.
  • Using language of art and design to discuss creative works produced by themselves, their peers and famous artists and designers.
  • With a secure knowledge of important artistic movements and the key artists and work within these.  This will include a basic chronological understanding of the relationship of these movements to one another.
  • As reflective learners, able to evaluate and improve their own creative work as appropriate.
  • Able to work collaboratively on art and design tasks where such opportunities arise.
The curriculum coverage ensures this by:
  • Using a holistic approach that builds on prior learning and the needs of the individual child.
  • Focusing upon the four key concepts (as outlined above).
  • Allowing scope for a variety of practical activities, including the constant refinement of artistic techniques.
  • Revisiting and building upon prior learning experiences.
  • Allowing learners the opportunity to appraise and modify their work as often as possible.
  • Providing open-ended learning experiences where appropriate, to encourage learners' innate creativity.
  • Introducing learners to the work of famous artists and designers, including their major works.
  • Making links with the school, local and wider community wherever possible.
Teaching should ensure that there is a regular review of prior learning at the start of each lesson.  Key vocabulary should be actively taught and definitions learned by children and these should be displayed in the classroom.  Lessons should be planned so that children learn important information in a logical sequence and that lessons are learning not 'doing'.  Teaching should be supported by trips, visits and real experiences wherever possible and these should be placed towards the middle/end of the teaching sequence, once knowledge has been learned.  Wherever possible, children should be facilitated to see real examples of what they are learning about, and if this is not possible, video, audio clips, photographs and drawings should be used.
Progression through the subject is planned to ensure that the content of the National Curriculum is taught in a logical way that builds on previous knowledge and skills.
Curriculum progression is as follows: see subject curriculum  implementation.
We ensure that this curriculum links with other areas of curriculum by providing experiences and opportunities that both support and develop knowledge, language and skill.